Mt. Scott/Scouter Mt. Trail Open House October 25th

The Open House will be held on Oct. 25, 2012 at Happy Valley City Hall from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.


Learn about the project; review maps of potential trail alignments; share your opinions with the project advisory committee, staff, park board members and elected officials. 


Information about the project

Click here for the fact sheet

1. Development of a trail master plan which would loop around Mt. Scott and Scouter Mt. in the Happy Valley and Portland area. The proposed regional trail alignments could range from 17 to 40 miles and would connect the Springwatger Corridor, Powell Butte in the north to Mt. Talbert and the Clackamas River Bluffs and Greenway in the south. The trail would serve transportation, commuter and recreational needs. The trail could also serve as a part of the area’s “Safe Routes to Schools” programs.

2. The trail would be for both bikes and pedestrians. Equestrian use is allowed on the Springwater Corridor. Other routes may be studied for potential equestrian use. Natural areas along proposed trail alignments would be best suited for pedestrians. Bike routes may be separated from natural areas and nature parks (or allowed on boardwalks, if compatible with the natural area). If separated, they would be built as comfortable facilities along nearby streets.

3. Interpretation of the local area’s rich history could also be highlighted on the trail. Way finding signs would also be installed.

4. The proposed trail would also connect the Clackamas Regional Center to the Happy Valley Town Center, I-205 Bike Lanes, Clackamas MAX Line, local schools, libraries, businesses and shopping areas. The trail would promote tourism, economic development and better health.

5. Small sections of the trail already exist in Happy Valley, Portland (e.g. Springwater Corridor) and nature trails on Mt. Talbert.

6. The Mt. Scott/Scouter Mt. Trail Loop is listed in local and regional plans. It has been designated as a regional trail since 1992 by Metro, with the support of local jurisdictions and citizens.

7. Voter approved bond funding in 1995 and 2006 from Metro’s Natural Areas Program and NCPRD’s “local share” of the regional funding has helped secure land for and build nature parks along the proposed trail route.

8. Funding from NCPRD and Happy Valley has also helped develop existing trails and nature parks, soccer and recreational/baseball fields which would be interconnected by the future Mt. Scott/Scouter Mt. Trail.

9. 21,000 residences and businesses are within ½ mile of the proposed trail

10. 56,000 people live within ½ mile of the trail.

11. Completed Sections of the Trail: nearly 8 miles

12. Trail would be an “Emerald Necklace” connecting to numerous parks, natural areas, schools, businesses, etc.

13. Trail would connect to 87 miles of existing local bike lanes and 33 miles of other regional trails.