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Bryant Woods Nature Park

Five habitat types in a 25-acre park in Lake Oswego? You'll find it at Bryant Woods Nature Park on the Lake Oswego canal. Oregon ash and Oregon white oak ring a wet meadow edged with camas and dotted with seasonal ponds where red-legged frogs thrive. A larger excavated pond, fed by natural springs, provides homes for wood duck and mallards. Douglas fir and big-leaf maple dominate in the upland forest. From the small parking area, the main trail follows the route of the former Canal Road along the edge of the meadow. This gravel road bed is passable all year.

4300 Childs Rd Lake Oswego, 97034

Bridal Veil Falls State Scenic Viewpoint

Beautiful Bridal Veil Falls is an elegant and graceful lady that can be fully appreciated from the deck of a viewing platform rebuilt in 1996. The creek hustles down from the top of nearby Larch Mountain, tumbles over the cliff and eventually flows into the mighty Columbia River. No visit to the Columbia Gorge should be considered complete without a tour of the area of Bridal Veil and a visit to Bridal Veil Falls State Park. The park offers a nice parking area, picnic tables and restrooms all within easy walking distance from the parking area.

Historic Columbia River Highway, 15 mi. E of Troutdale (take Exit 28 from I-84)


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