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Peninsula Crossing Trail

The 3.5-mile Peninsula Crossing Trail crosses the North Portland peninsula between the Willamette and Columbia rivers. The pedestrian and bike path connects urban neighborhoods to workplaces, schools and regionally significant natural areas -- Willamette Cove on the south and Smith and Bybee Wetlands Natural Area on the north. There are a number of art pieces along the trail that were installed through the One Percent for the Arts public art program, and include seats carved out of Columbia River Basalt on the railheads.


Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail

Zigzagging its way from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon and Washington the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) boasts the greatest elevation changes of any of America's National Scenic Trails, allowing it to pass through six out of seven of North America's ecozones including high and low desert, old-growth forest and artic-alpine country. Indeed, the PCT is a trail of diversity and extremes. From scorching desert valleys in Southern California to rain forests in the Pacific Northwest, the PCT offers hikers and equestrians a unique, varied experience.



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