Intertwine Alliance Updates
As most of you know, The Intertwine Alliance made an organizational assessment cohort, antiracism training, and other organizational equity and deconstructing bias programming available to our partners last year, mostly through funding provided by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Our intention has been to bring our partners together on these issues so they can learn from each other and gain some economies of scale in accessing training and support. Participants reported to us that these programs were effective, and encouraged us to continue this type of work.
October 2015 -- About 45 urban-canopy lovers gathered on Oct. 14 for the second installment of The Intertwine Alliance's series of conversations about active transportation issues and best practices in the Portland region.
October 2015 - About 35 representatives of Intertwine Alliance partner organizations, along with a few other wonderful friends from Seattle and beyond, gathered for a 2.5-day workshop led by Crossroads Antiracism Organizing & Training
July 2015 - About 90 representatives of Intertwine Allliance partner organizations, along with the entire Intertwine Alliance staff and an assortment of non-partner friends, participated in a daylong antiracism training on Thursday, July 16.
July 2015 - The Intertwine Alliance Portland-Vancouver Regional Eco-Blitz Series is a multi-partner effort to establish ongoing species-identification events throughout the region, and to make the data collected easily accessible through iNaturalist.
June 2015 - For a second summer, community members are invited to participate in OakQuest, an effort to map Oregon’s imperiled white oak trees.