Summer Eco-Team for Teens
Summer Eco-Team for Teens! Monday, August 6 - Friday, August 10; 9:00 am - 3:00 pm daily. Spend a week (or more!) volunteering, learning about nature and building job skills. Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) City Nature is sponsoring a Summer Eco-Team for youth aged 14-18. These unpaid volunteer teams work in natural areas around the city, keeping our urban green spaces beautiful, healthy, and safe for people and wildlife. Each week, Eco-Team teens work on a variety of activities ranging from caring for native plants and removing invasive weeds to building fences and monitoring wildlife. Teams will begin and end the day at the Portland Boathouse (1515 SE Water, Portland OR 97214; accessible through multiple tri-met options: Transportation will be provided to and from all work sites from here. Snacks and water will be provided, but participants are expected to bring a packed lunch. Summer Eco-Teams will take place the following weeks: July 9-13, August 6-10 and August 13-17. For more information, or to apply, check out: