Explore for early season wildflowers, vernal pools, wetlands, unusual water bodies and geology on this short loop. The area contains much of interest with
mid-elevation old-growth forests, lakes and wet meadows. Much of the route follows lake edges, streams and long meadows. Some of the lakes are vernal or springtime features, and become grass-covered meadows during the summer.
The high point is about 4400 feet and there is a 300 feet elevation change over a route of 3 miles. This earns the tour an easy rating. It lies in the Cripple Creek sub-basin of the Clackamas Watershed.
We will meet at the Estacada River Ranger District, located off of Highway 224. All tours are led by CRBC Board member Bryon Boyce.
Bring plenty of water, a camera, bug spray, and a lunch. Be aware that temperatures in the upper watershed are cooler than down below, and wear appropriate footwear.
RSVP to attend by emailing Becki at REBECCA@CLACKAMASRIVER.ORG or calling 503-303-4372 Ext. 101.