January 28, 2014 | Red Lion Jantzen Beach - The Oregon Water Enhancement Board, a state agency that provides grants to help Oregonians take care of local streams, rivers, wetlands and natural areas, today held its winter 2014 quarterly meeting in Portland.
At the conclusion of today's opening meetings, The Intertwine Alliance hosted a reception to connect Intertwine partners with OWEB board members. This was a rare opportunity to both witness the Board's deliberations and begin to build relationships with an agency that has supported many of our partners' work over the years.
The following Alliance partners presented during the meeting: Columbia Land Trust, the Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership, Johnson Creek Watershed Council, the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services, and both the East and West Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation Districts. Each organization emphasized the need to build strong partnerships to get their work accomplished - a hallmark of all Intertwine projects.