This half-day forum on community-driven greenspace projects will be held at Ventura Elementary School.
What is it?
A half-day forum to share information and strategies on community driven neighborhood park, natural area, and other greenspace projects.
An opportunity to inspire and educate new community greenspace advocates.
Provide a forum to discuss strategies for effective and successful community organizing, outreach to diverse communities, fund raising, effective collaboration with local governments, the media, businesses, and non-profit organizations.
Who should attend? Individuals interested in learning how to develop and implement a neighborhood green space projects, including trails, community gardens, natural area acquisition and restoration, or other public greenspace efforts.
Details: Lunch & snacks provided Advanced registration requested (details pending) Event limited to 80 participants Childcare available Spanish language translation available
Who will be there? Project presenters: Friends of Gateway Green, Nadaka Nature Park and Garden Project, Let Us Build Thomas Cully Park, Green Lents, Depave, and the Portland Parks Foundation.
There will be lunchtime screening of a local greenspace advocacy film on the Kellogg-for-Coho Initiative produced by Gregory Baartz-Bowman and Mark Gamba.
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