What is a Daycation?

A Daycation is a personal account of an active experience focused around natural features of The Intertwine. They're personalized adventures combining parks, trails, beaches, waterways, coffee shops, brewpubs, and other fun waypoints. Daycations are presented in a manner that encourages others to partake in that experience and to share their impressions with the community of Daycation mobile app users. 

Inspiration for a Daycation can have many origins: A regular experience you have on your own or with family and friends, your best day in nature, showcasing an event or project,celebrating a season or rhythm of nature.

Ideally, Daycations exemplify the core tenets of The Intertwine Alliance by highlighting interconnectedness through multi-destination experiences, promoting active transportation, and speaking to the healthful benefits of that experience (be they physical, emotional, mental or spiritual).

The Daycations featured in the mobile app will exemplify the diversity of perspectives around how and why to explore the Big Backyard that is The Intertwine. The greater collection will also reinforce the inclusiveness of nature by coming from, and being curated for, a variety of communities, user groups and abilities.

Daycation formula

• Take place within The Intertwine's geographical footprint

• Focus on outdoor experiences in natural spaces (parks, trails, natural areas) and other manifestations of nature (trees, waterways, wildlife, etc.), but may also include community points (a library, historic home, community garden) or private businesses (brewpub, food cart, yoga studio, etc.). Think creatively!

• Encourage using alternative transportation methods (foot, bus, MAX, bike, skateboard, kayak, etc.)

• It’s reasonably possible to get from stop to stop within a Daycation without the aid of a car.

• Range in duration from an hour or two to a couple of days

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