We would like to invite you to this month's Rewilding Skill Series. The Rewilding Free Skills Series is a class & networking event that happens monthly, that usually occurs (but not always) on the last Saturday of the month. It is a place for social networking where people make new friends and hang out with old friends learning skills to connect us with humanity's ancestral past and more local and sustainable future. We ask for a $5 - $10 suggested donation with no one turned away.
This month's theme is Acorn Processing and Oak Savanna Restoration. This is a skill we teach year after year: how to turn acorns from bitter nuts, into a delicious flour, and how to keep restore those ecosystems that produce acorns. Come learn more, share what you know, crack and grind some acorns, taste a few treats made from acorn flour, and take home a baby Oregon White Oak to plant!