The annual Ross Island Regatta, the culminating event in Great Blue Heron Week, is an opportunity to enjoy a morning on the Willamette River, paddling through the slow-no wake zone on the Holgate Channel and Ross Island lagoon, around Ross Island and back to Willamette Park.
We will be looking at the bald eagle nest and the heron nesting colony on Ross Island, listening for birds and looking for river otter along the route.
Meet no later than 9 a.m. at Willamette Park Boat Ramp to unload your canoe or kayak and get into the water by launch time at 9:30.
This trip is family-friendly. There will be a safety boat along, and the trip is for beginning and experienced paddlers.
Leaders include: Mike Houck, Urban Greenpaces Institute; Emily Roth, Portland Parks & Recreation; Bob Sallinger, Audubon Society of Portland.