Active Transportation
Our Active Transportation and Trails Initiative aims to build out our regional system of trails and promote alternative transportation modes. Community partners commit to developing a clear vision for our regional trail system, set goals for active transportation, and identify collaborative, cross-jurisdictional projects to meet those objectives.
September 2014 -- The 2015 Annual Trails Fair will be tied to the May International Trails Symposium taking place at the Portland Convention Center and hosted by Metro and The Intertwine Alliance next May 17-20. The Intertwine Alliance will support the conference by coordinating volunteers.
The first phase of the Regional Active Transportation Plan to identify priorities and strategies for completing the regional active transportation system is well underway. This phase includes understanding the current state of active transportation and identifying challenges and opportunities. Participants in the fall summit workshop weighed in on system alternatives and helped identify key corridors and connections as we plan the future of The Intertwine.