Health and Nature

An ever-increasing body of research confirms the direct connection between a healthy environment and healthy residents. Our Nature and Human Health Initiative is committed to building bridges between the environmental and health care communities, co-leveraging assets for community projects, and jointly broadcasting this positive message. 

September 2014 -- Health and Nature subcommittees (Language and Change Model Development) continue to meet (upcoming meetings 9/26 and 10/8) to finish their work, which they will present at the Oct. 15 Health & Nature forum.  

May 8, 2014 | Portland, OR -- The Intertwine Alliance today convened over 100 professionals from the worlds of health care and conservation for a dynamic Community Health and Nature Forum. Click here to download the forum results.

Bobby Cochran, Phil Wu, Kurt Beil, Fletcher Beaudoin and Mike Wetter met to discuss forming an Intertwine Alliance health initiative. The purpose of the initiative will be to explore the nexus between nature and human health in the metropolitan region and to encourage health sector participation in using nature to create health outcomes. The group decided to formally launch the health initiaitive at the Intertwine spring Summit in March and to invite other partners to participate. A working group will help lead the initiative.
