Where the forest of Cedar Canyon meets Killin Wetlands, two unique habitats collide, bringing together a wealth of flora and fauna. Explore the wetland edge in search of birds, and read the stories of elk, bear and beaver in the forested upland through the tracks and signs they leave. Difficult walking.
Register: www.oregonmetro.gov/calendar
Where: Killin Wetlands (Location in Banks will be provided to registered participants)
When: 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Cost: $6/person, $11/family
Ages: All ages
Difficulty: Strenuous
Wheelchair accessible: No
Pets policy: To protect plants, wildlife and people, Metro does not allow pets at most regional parks and natural areas. Pets can damage sensitive habitat and threaten wildlife the region has worked to protect. In natural areas where dogs are not allowed, people see more wildlife and get closer to it. Seeing-eye dogs or other service animals are allowed. Please bring cleanup materials. http://www.oregonmetro.gov/parks/pets-policy