The only citizen from the Pacific Northwest to reach the U.S. High Court, William O. Douglas is also among the most prominent and effective advocates for the restorative powers of wilderness in our culture. This program explores his amazingly rich career as a much-published author--a voice for liberty and the value of international fellowship in shaping our planetary future.
Come to see a preview of the film-in-the-works on William O. Douglas Liberty and Wilderness and a wide-ranging selection from his written works. Between court sessions Justice Douglas traveled relentlessly, visiting Strange Lands and Friendly People, in addition to wild spots across America in Of Men and Mountains. His autobiographical Go East, Young Man was followed quickly by My Wilderness: The Pacific West and MW: East to Katahdin. He navigated in every direction--North to Malaya, West of the Indus--with great Freedom of the Mind. Thus he leaves us literary and inspirational guidebooks to his voyages and vision.