With the completion of The Intertwine’s Regional Conservation Strategy in 2012, local conservation and restoration leaders are poised to set an impressive agenda. Next steps for our Conservation Initiative, which includes restoration and urban forestry, will likely be to identify collaborative, data-based projects derived from this seminal report. Currently we are working on a number of efforts involving the development of large-landscape, cross-jurisdictional projects with the goal of attracting new funding to the region to support these efforts. Read more about the Regional Conservation Strategy.
November 2014 -- The Intertwine Plant Off on Saturday, Nov. 1, was a smashing success. Two teams of youth organizers led tree-planting events at Dirksen Nature Park and Blue Lake Park. Members of the Sugar Skulls on the west side, and the Green Team on the east, received real-world job experience (and pay) for their participation -- along with a free pair of KEENs each!
September 2014 -- The tree-planting project that was part of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) grant that The Intertwine Alliance received in 2013 is well under way with two teams of teens recruiting community volunteers to participate; they will give a report at the fall summit on Nov 14. Get more information about the Plant Off, and sign up to participate.
September 2014 -- The Oak Mapping Project is a partnership of The Intertwine Alliance, Portland metropolitan area parks and natural resource agencies, non-governmental organizations and others working to develop better maps showing the distribution of Oregon white oak across the region. This summer the working group engaged volunteers to create a ground-truthed map to better understand habitat distribution. The Oakquest citizen science project is finishing up with a celebration at NAYA on October 9.