With the completion of The Intertwine’s Regional Conservation Strategy in 2012, local conservation and restoration leaders are poised to set an impressive agenda. Next steps for our Conservation Initiative, which includes restoration and urban forestry, will likely be to identify collaborative, data-based projects derived from this seminal report. Currently we are working on a number of efforts involving the development of large-landscape, cross-jurisdictional projects with the goal of attracting new funding to the region to support these efforts. Read more about the Regional Conservation Strategy.
September 2014 -- An Intertwine Alliance group working on sub-regional strategies for implementing the Regional Conservation Strategy met on September 23. Renee Myers of Forest Park Conservancy and Kathleen Brennan Hunter of Metro presented. The group agreed to put together an RFP to hire someone to identify current and potential funding options for conservation plans.
September 2014 -- An Intertwine Alliance board-appointed committee is developing a response to the new Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) Focused Investment Program (FIP). The group met September 19. The committee plans to recommend to OWEB that oak habitat be a priority for the FIP. They will also support a floodplain concept being developed by a group working in the mid-Willamette.