News & Events from the Intertwine


Join a REI Outdoor School Instructor for a guided hike to one of Portland's natural gems: Tryon Creek State Natural Area. This outing will involve a 3-4 mile hike over moderate terrain.


Vaux’s swifts are likely to use the Chapman Elementary School chimney as an evening roost during their fall 2012 migration. Grab a seat on the school lawn or in neighboring Wallace Park to observe the birds gathering overhead.


Around the world, vultures are facing hazards in the wild and their numbers are dwindling. As nature's recyclers, they play an important role in a variety of ecosystems, and it’s up to us to help save them.


Exploring The Intertwine: Birds and Beer at Fernhill Wetlands - Saturday, October 6th


The Crystal Springs Partnership will host a guided tour of southeast Portland’s Crystal Springs Watershed. Along the tour route, learn from local experts about the natural history of the watershed and plans for restoring a vibrant salmon run in Crystal Springs Creek.


Learn how to preserve your abundance of juicy, sweet garden tomatoes by making and canning tomato sauce for later eating.


Learn the ancient art of saving seeds in this hands-on workshop held at one of Portland's oldest and most established urban Permaculture gardens. Each participant will get to collect unusual and interesting varieties of seeds to take home with them.


In this interactive hands-on workshop, participants learn how to plan and plant a vegetable garden using techniques of Square Foot Gardening to yield an abundance of food in small space while reducing time spent on maintenance.
